This was a sketch I did awhile back and decided to scan in and play around with in Photoshop.
Its pretty clear I was going crazy with the rectangle tool. I'm not the best at Photoshop but I'm slowly learning more each time out. I'll try to post more digital stuff.
Always great designs Chris, thanx so much for the link, but my nickname is "Pouch" doesn't matter héhé, I know that in english it's not a lovely word but it 's mine ahah.
I don't know about crazy but I know I like it. Very "Young" Clint Eastwood-ish. Is that a word?
I really like your character Design here.
It has a really beautiful flow to it.
Your wonderful cafe sketches make me want to go out and sketch people at StarBucks. : )
Awesome man, I wanna animate'm!
It's a while that I don't stop by blogs, and here I find lot of new amazing stuff.
The girl studying at the Cafe especially impress me. Great job man!
Aldo ;)
oops... "impresses", not "impress" ...errata corrige hehehe! ;)
Super! I like the lighter rectangle emphasizing the eyes! Great
fun design Chris
your drawings are fantastic and I love the washes you've applied.
I love the tone and mood! great work!
all sketchs looks great! :)
Hehe, interesting^^. Nice sketch anyway.."If chins could kill;)"
Always great designs Chris, thanx so much for the link, but my nickname is "Pouch" doesn't matter héhé, I know that in english it's not a lovely word but it 's mine ahah.
Sorry for my english I 'm damned french guy.
lol this sketch is so awesome :p
the rectangle over his eyes is the best.
nice vertical fellow.
nice sketches, i like them lots. love loose lines.
Love his expression!! Great design style too!!
great sketch, i like the rectangle style
That sketch rocks! Very nice Chua.
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