Sorry for the lack of posts lately, Bloggers but I've been feeling a little under the weather. Anyways, I havent done one of these in awhile and thought I'd post a still life for you guys out there. The lemons could've been a little more yellow and less "dirty" but I was fighting the watercolors every step of the way....

pencil and watercolors.
Beautiful!!!love the style!!
Thanks for the comment! If you have any other comments on where to improve I would love to hear them! (Im all ears). Your stuff is pretty awesome. I particularly like your sketches that you do at cafes, very nice. I admire the fact that your tackling water colors! I love em, but hard to work with. I wish you luck!
Great picture Chris! I know what you mean about fighting the watercolours - I regularly engage in battle! Top stuff!
Heyas Chris,gorgeous works! I especially love how you've nailed the expression on each of your characters.Great stuff!
It's lovely, I love the composition, it has a charm elegant design quality!
Chris, watercolors are tuff!
You've inspired me to dust mine off!
I love your life-studies and cafe' sketches. Great motion and life!
I like your still life-- I don't do many of them myself and probably ought to. I need the practice. Your detective guy is sweet too! Nicely done!
nice green on the lemons.
Your fight is our your watercolours, as always.
Using yellow and black next to eachother can be tricky, they tend to bleed into eachother, even if they are not actually smearing together (not sure if that makes sense.) But lemons are a tad green so it is ok. Good to see when life hands you lemons, you do a pretty painting of them. Feel better!!
I like it's very lemony.
: )
Hey man! I hope you're feeling better soon. This is a really nice still-life. It's funny, I was in New York this past weekend, and I checked out the Guggenheim. Lots and lots of Spanish still-life paintings. Very cool. Your stuff is super awesome as usual. Love your expression.
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