While sketching at the local cafe I happened to look out the window and saw these interesting looking newspaper dispensers. Its so interesting to see how many different variations there were within inches of each other. I mean, there were 8 all in a row with different colors, shapes and functions!!!

Pen and Watercolors
What a great illustration of city life. In Toronto our mayor is taking a stand against excessive newspaper boxes. Only in Canada...
interesting observations chua! you should scrawl some graffiti on one of them next time.
Looks like they can make for some great "characters" on their own.
So tempted to stick Pixar eyes on them. I kid, these are great observations, the water color is a nice touch. Happy holidays!
Thanks for your comments in my blog.I love your sketches(spontaneous and full of energy).I hope you like Spain. XD...
Heh. Terrific observation and lots of character, as was mentioned above.
Oh it's also just a fun sketch.
nice sketches here!!
great stuff chris. lovely colors and lines.
Nice!! i love how much life your drawings have!
they look like they're waiting for the bus together. sweet.
You are just rocking!
Have a great Holiday!
Great blog Chris! Makes me want to draw just looking through it!!! All the drawings here have so much character!
Great work, beautiful sketches¡¡¡
great sketch, I can actualy hear the cars trafic noise...
this sketch looks like it's living...
great work Chris
Matt-too bad about that....its a sad world when there is only one newspaper box design:)
ekg-thanks man...graffiti sounds like a great idea.
cdeboda, bri- yeah, they do kinda have a life of their own, dont they??
sanvi-I loved spain! I loved Madrid and Granada the best.
lee-roy- thanks , I appreciate the comments. I'll check your blog again soon!
bobby-It meas alot coming from you.. I'm such a big fan of your work.
crylic and marco-thanks, guys. Its always hard to inject a little bit of personality when drawing inanimate objects.
willy-haha...I never thought of that!
Scott-thanks man, you too:) And congrats on getting hitched!
Tim-thanks:) I always try to think of personality first, then drawing second..try not to let the technique take over, you know?
kristian-much appreciated...I'll try to post as often as I can.
astro and anders-thanks so much guys....come back again, I'll have mor stuff soon.
Happy Holidays and stay warm everyone!
wow!!! great sketches you have here!! they are so inspiration!! I just got back from a sketch jam with 42 people.
Life! You make it fun and colorful... just a moment in your life and it is so much fun to see.
Sooo cool Chris. All of these comuter posts are beautiful man! Have a Merry Christmas dude!!!
They look so sad standing there together all chained up... i can't help but feel that they seem so pathetic and helpless with the way they all lean. I like it. It is a cute (in a manly way) drawing. argh~!
Thanks for sharing.
they seem to have a life of their own! very nice art!
thank you for visit my blog. i really like your water color sketches!!
Cool stuff here! love how you color. Great observations here too! Great stuff! Thanks for visiting my blog.
Really great drawings. You have an awesome loose pencil style. Your colors are perfect too. That guy with the fro and the laptop is pure gold. Excellent designs and observation on all of these.
Ciao Chris,your watercolour are very very good.Your line is sinous and delicate. Colour are hit! Sei forte...a presto!
thank you.
i really love your drawings too, especially the characters.
i am an animator art in taiwan .
just like you. i think we have a lot in commons
I half expect these boxes to start having a conversation about the trials and tribulations of paper boxes. They have life.
Hi! thank's for visiting my blog! i like your work! i wish you a new year full of joy and success!
i'll be back to see your new work.
Sorry, the tone of the comment is inherited by the subject:)
Chris, thanks so much for dropping by my blog! Catalina isn't a Mac, but she's a Pentium Core Duo 3.4GHz and she runs like a dream. I can't justify spending the money on a Mac right now (they are horribly expensive on my side of the world) but if I get better at this art thing and do more graphics...one day!
I do so love your work; it's so observant to detail but not overly fussy or cluttered. It's beautiful. I'll definitely visit more often --and Blogger won't let me log in via my Shuku account, BAH!
Oh! I almost forgot! I posted Catalina's photos so you can see her!
Ei, cris, thanks for coming to my blog!! I´m from Spain, Barcelona.
But i dont go to Alhambra but if i go to Mezquita, is very nice.
You can come to my blog always you want.
Thanks another time.
I hope see you again.
See ya
drui-wow, 42 people...can't wait to see those sketches;)
ldahl-thanks, I've recently gone off on a watercolor spree!
Shane-wow, thanks dude...that really means alot coming from you. Merry x-mas.
martin-thanks man, much love (in a manly way)!!
joe , wynne, and milo- thanks guys, I'll check back soon.
mac-thanks, I was really in disbelief when I saw the afro dude. I knew the sketchbook had to come out!!
andrea and makiyang-thanks guys. always glad to find similar minded people!
craig-haha..I'm so glad the personality of these things came thru. Happy holidays;)
fadinha-thanks, and merry xmas to you too. stay warm!
andrea-glad to hear from you. And thanks for the kind comment.
sy-too bad about not being able to log in...I think it is because i have a beta blogger account. Oh, well, check back again.
nievas-I LOVE the Alhambra...and I loved spain..I cant wait to go back:)
Cool illo! I wish Malaysia have these dispensers here in Malaysia.
Thanks for the comment in my site. I have bookmarked you and would it be okay for me to link your url in my links page?
Wow Chris,
lots of new great sketches!
Always nice to drop by here.
good new year & stuff ;)
Hi, Chris, i saw your photo in La Alhambra, and I read a comment in another blog that you love Spain, I write from Galicia / España, and i recommend you to visit my region...
Your blog es very very interesting, and specially I liked this last sketch.
I invite you to visit mine whenever you can/want...ok?
merry xmas!
un beso
Hi Chris,
Great example of variety of shapes in life! Great style to all your work!
Have a wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!
This piece is really nice. : )
nice illustration here chris. great job. have a happy new year man!
Rally nice sketches!
I found yor blog.....and your scketches are amazing!!
I'll come back to visit your blog for sure!!!
and happy new year!!
This is so charming! I wouldn't have thought to draw those. Wonderful observation!
Hey that's cool stuff. Good drawerin'.
Dude, you got mad traffic! Lots of folks...aWESOome sketches, Chris. I loved that lamps page you did too. I went to Disneyland recently and couldn't stop thinking of those sketches you did of all the varieties...really sticks with you. Great work!
You are unstoppable!
I know this is an older post, but if you happen to see it, what kind of watercolors do you use? The colors are so vibrant!
Also, I'm going to study animation at USC in the fall. I'm interested in checking out what jobs are like for after I'm done, if you have any advice on how I could do this.
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