Wow...just when I thought I had seen it all in my commutes.....Saw this interesting human being get into the bus the other day. He totally had the adolf haircut going on, a super shiny shirt (which I wish I could've done a better job reproducing...sigh....), tight , dark brown leather pants and last but not least, a shiny letter G for a beltbuckle. I don't know where he was headed or what he does.....anybody care to hazard a guess???

He was standing in front of me the entire time which means I couldn't just take the sketchbook out and start drawing. I just kept stealing glances and tried to memorize his looks (trying my hardest not to laugh, of course) and then did a sketch as soon as I got the chance. Then I got home and inked the ruff sketch and colored it with watercolors. Enjoy!
Really nice work -
Solid sketching & palette.
ps. thx for comment.
Hey Chris~
Nice sketches man! Really good stuff. I know I've seen you around PDI, but i don't remember if we ever met formally...
How long have you been there?
Anyway, cool stuff. Keep on keepin on! I'll see ya around!
Beautiful ink & watercolor piece, Chris! I really like the way some of the (well designed) linework fades under a heavier stroke of color, great effect.
As far as your "character" is concerned, at first I thought the obvious name would be George. But I think he's a Geoff, and he wears the buckle so he can point to it whem people mis-spell his name or he's introduced to someone.
Great post. Fun stuff!
Hey, I really love these commute sketches. You get so much feeling and character in there! Thanks for looking at my sketches too :-)...say hi to Tim H. if you see him up there at Dreamworks :-)
very nice sketch.
do you know Ruben or Erwin? don't know if they still work at PDI.
keep up the good work.
Great expression, Chris. Solid work as always!
Beautifull sketches!!!! ciao, simo
You are a real observer. Nice work in here. People are strange.
Beautiful sketches! and the watercolor is fine, really good stuff...
feelin the watercolours. their definately motivating me to continue messing around with it. Keep inspiring.
Hey Chris..I think I remember you from Rhythm & Hues...Nice work by the way...lots of variety..keep it up.
Sales assistant at Gucci? Only high fashion could make you look that ridiculous! Great sketch!
I really like this style of imagery. Great stuff!
Impressive as usual.
Maybe he grabbed the wrong letter or just can't spell his name.
I like the way he leans. It's just the right angle.
A pleasure your work...
Hi Chris! Great sketches and watercolours here!
the G is for G-UNIT
thts a good method of working u got there chris. GREAT WORK!
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