Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Some more interesting humans for everyone out there in Blogger land today. THis first one was a college student I saw some time ago while waiting for my train:

THis next one is of a girl using her brain power....Respect!!!!

Pen and watercolor.


aermio said...

awesome sketches. i really like the college student's pants.

Ken Chandler said...

Great Blog Chris. Love the sketches. You've got some serious skills. Congrats too on the wedded bliss back in Sept. And thanks for your thoughts on my blog, I'll be back around.

Tim Bye said...

More great observations Chris! I think the bottom image is particularly strong

Tyler Stott said...

slick stuff here!!! great designs and i love the color(is it all water color??

so im assuming you are at guud ol pixar right?! GOOD stuff!!

thanks for swingin by my blog

bsleven said...

Chris These are Aweseome.
: )

katzenjammer studios said...

ohhhhh man. that first was was pretty brutal. but still...wonderful and decisive shapes and pen watercolor work. clear personalities are showing through and the drawings are great

Alexei Martins said...

Hahaha!!Funny student!!Wow beautiful girl!!Love your watercolors!!

mackenzie said...

your charater sketches are really great. Your portrayals of the people and places of the Bay Area always makes me smile. I feel like I've seen some of those same people.

Jarrett said...

Once again, you have an excellent style and character sense. Your style is very quick and conceptual.

Unknown said...

both of these are excellent! Great that top one cracks me up heheh

J. Nowland said...

Hey Chris.... I think I dated that college chick.... oh who am I kidding... she shut me down.... anyways... I really dig the stuff you have on this blog... you have a cool style... and thanks for stoppin' by... and I'll see you around... PEACE!

Jeremy Spears said...

These watercolor sketches are Superb dude! nice job!

Daniela Raisig said...

:)I like your humans out of the real live!!!!!.....they realy funny!

Enzo Avolio said...

Thanks for stopping by.
CHris, I love your work.
You have a very active line and the watercolour gives it great life!

Jeff Spokes said...

Hey Chris, thanks for stopping by my blog. Fantastic blog you have your self, it's so refreshing to see non digital work, love it , i look forward to seeing more!

LeSean Thomas said...

LOVE these sketch studies man! SHIT! i'm so out the loop, i've always thought you stuck wit the "al herschefeld" flavas!

definite link!

keep inspiring!


Carlos V. said...

Great stuff Chris!! That college chick is some lady hehe! Thanks for sharing.

Adam Perry said...

These are amazing. Thank you for the constant inspiration!

Aaron Paetz said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Seo Kim said...

hahaha I love your sketches, so much charactaaa!

ACO said...

Nice drawings Chris. I will add a link of your site in my blog.
Thanks for your comment :)