Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Sketchbook Backlog Part 2

Hey guys!  Well, here's part two of my sketchbook backlog.  I'll hopefully be sketching again this Saturday so make sure and come back again soon!

Have a great rest of the week everyone and if you still haven't visited my new blog:  GEEKSHELF, make sure you go and check it out!    Go ahead and get your geek on!


joscha said...

Glad to see more of your awesome sketches! (BTW How do you react when your "models" react to you staring and drawing? I never know what to say...)

chris chua said...

Thanks de aap! Haha, when someone looks up and sees me drawing them, I promptly look away and draw someone else until they go back to what they were doing. Then I finish my original drawing:)

Robert Moon said...

At long last another one of your sketches! I was wondering, could you give any tips to a beginning sketcher? When I'm sitting in a cafe or a library trying to sketch the people around me, I can't help but feel frustrated when I can't create beautiful sketches such as yours. This frustration often amounts to me cutting me sketching short and just leaving.

chris chua said...

Hey Rooney, I hear ya. Sometimes, it does get frustrating when you have a bad drawing day but this really is when you need to try to push through to get better! Try using a thicker pen or just a different sketching tool altogether to mix things up. I've been to your blog and you seem to have a great sense of draftsmanship so just keep at it! Keep drawing and never ever stop!