Monday, June 29, 2009

More Cafe sketches coming at ya! Part 2

Hey Bloggers!  As promised, here's a couple more sketches from the 'ol sketchbook.  Sketching has been really fun lately.  It allows me to unwind and not worry about having a supervisor or director "buy off" on it or approve it.
I usually have my trusty Ipod on me and a book to keep me occupied if there aren't enough interesting people around.  It really is quite therapeutic.  
Part 3 coming soon!


kalonji said...

great sketches !!!

chromasketch said...

great stuff!!! Keep posting!! are you using watercolour for the colouring? markers? I look forward to seeing some more!

Cal said...

Looks awesome! Good Cafe sketches always inspire me to go out to draw!
When you do these sketches, were you thinking about capture the character, or narrating a story? What's your priority and how you find the balance?

Kiki said...

inspiring and beautiful sketches as always!

Scott said...

You need to teach life drawing. Your work/style is spectacular.

Aaron Ludwig said...

Yeah, love the fat guy. Nice!