Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sculptures at the Orsay

Yet more photos of my trip to France. This time, I've got several photos of some sculptures I saw at the Muse D'Orsay. It's really hard to believe that humans can create such beauty sometmes. It's very inspiring for an artist to see this kind of artwork.

Yup...It left me speechless too....


J said...

I had the same thing visiting Florence a while back that you're describing. Disbelief that a man could create such things.You're right it's a mix of inspiration and awe.

Mike Nassar said...

"It's really hard to believe that humans can create such beauty sometimes"

it is. It's mind blowing. but at the same time it gets me incredibly inspired that we have the capacity to do this kind of great work in our own fields. I still feel like a chump though. these sculptures are fantastic.

Anonymous said...

definitely speechless!
Thanks for sharing :)

PotatoFarmGirl said...

Stone gauz, it doesn't seem possible! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Wow Chris,
totally beautiful
so soft and perfect

Anonymous said...

i have always wondered why artists seemed to have lost the ability to create objects like these from the renaissance (??) era.