This is another sketch in my San Francisco series. I saw this homeless man peddling for change. He had a great pose but even cooler was his expression...You could just see the years of hardship etched on his face. The guy just looked so tired and resigned to his fate. It was really a sad and depressing sight.

Kinda makes a person feel lucky to have a roof over their head at night...
You can really feel the anguish in his pose and expression, you really did a great job capturing's such a sad sight.
It always astounds me that you do these in pen - amazing.
He looks happy (or drunk). Good draw
really powerful image.
HEY MAN! Dear god these sketches are awsome dude. I see a jump man, really. Really beautiful stuff. I haven't been able to post for a while. If you were down here we would invite you to the Gilroy premier screening at Cartoon Network tomorrow. I hope your doing well man.
I wish my sketches would look so good! And I like your powerful outlines!
I love your sketches. They are so fun and appealing. They make me want to go sketch right now......... but I won't, because I have to work...... argh.
Great work! his pose and expression are so melancholic.
always your people are amazing. I like very much your work. You are fast and exact.
Nice work...I was looking through your pictures and I really like you stuff...especially the watercolours sketches
SO many wonderful sketches, great capture of people's expression and story moments! :)
very nice drawing
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