Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Cafe Sketch-relaxation!

Hey Bloggers! Heres another couple of observational sketches that I did while eating at the local pizzeria today.
Have a great, safe July 4th everybody!


Evan Bonifacio said...

Sweet sketches man! That one of the guy smoking is great. you can really feel him pullin on the cigarette. hehe

is that brush pen ur using?

Paul Tuller said...

nice page layout! They guy leaning back is really cool

Khoa Le said...

inspirational chris. sketches are awesome as always so keep them comin!

Unknown said...

wonderful sketches, love the smoking guy!

Nigel Auchterlounie said...

I love your observational sketches. Do you add colour afterwards?
The smoking guy's my favorite too.

Did you notice how I spelt colour the right way?

Ken Turner said...

Awesome stuff!!

Andrew Coats said...

you captured a subtle restlessness in the smoking guy. Great sketches man!

DINTOONS said...

delightful and spontaneous sketches!
full of tension and totally on edge, the smoker wins hands down...! wonderful play of watercolors!

Tim Bye said...

Really great observations! Great work!

Biocreep said...

Wow! I love that smoking guy, you really captured him!