Sorry for the lack of posts lately everyone....Just started a new sketchbook and have been struggling to warm up to it! I hate looking at all those new blank pages. Anyways, here are some new drawings for ya!

Enjoy:) and have a great long weekend everyone!
Love these sketches, you always have the best coffee shop personality drawings. :)
Great sketches, Chris!
Fun study sketches!
Well, there's two down! Keep'em comin'
These are great! Yeah, new sketch books are very intimidating.
Great stuff Chris. I'm especially loving the bearded fellah.
Great post!
I love the dude on the lower left hand corner, great personality!
fantastic drawings of human characters- great variety
awesome sketches!
these are wonderful, i love how easily you capture the character!!
Yeah, really great drawings - you have a lot of energy in your work!
Man I love coming here! Keep 'em coming Chris.
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