I was doodling in my sketchbook the other day and thought this guy would be fun to color in Photoshop...I was halfway through when I realized that it kinda looked like my friend, Matt! Matt, if you see this, don't kill me!

Anyways, my wife and I are off to Yosemite this weekend. I'll make sure to take lots of pictures (and hopefully squeeze in a sketch or two) and post them sometime next week! have a great weekend everyone:)
whatsup chua! you talkin about matt majers? thats a funny drawing dude. looks like you're getting a better handle on the photoshop coloring skillz. have a safe and exciting trip to yosemite dude.
Great expression!! HAve a fun weekends!
Awesome hands and watercolors man! Keep em' coming!
HA, THat does look like Matt! Thats funny though man. Dude Have a rad time in Yosemite. I have been trying to go back there for years. I hope a bear doesn't kill you .
Very nice work, chris...I love it!
Hey is that a @ in his nostril? Funny illo!
great blog! have fun on your trip ;)
dude I thought that was matt even before I read the notes.
nice illustration, you've gotta get a tablet pc, it's so fun.
Super work - I love the expression!
This is really cool, Chris!
Hey man, excellent work!
You get great expression in your blog drawings (facial and body language)
Student films, wow...so nice too!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and sayin' those kind words. I'm really digging your illustrations. Your location sketches are great little moments of awesome!
Hahaha, great facial expresion.
Awesome sketches below!
These sketches are awesome. So expressive!
terrific work.
nice work!
nice, fun shape 8)
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