More observational sketches from the local cafe! This first guy was kinda weird...He had a very slow walk and a "Mr. Bean" quality to him. He had the sleepy look and was very hunched. As you can see, I couldn't stop drawing him!!

And here's another page for good measure.
These are so loose. Love 'em man.
I've been meaning to comment the last few days, your sketches are terrific... so many great figures and faces.
Very cool.
Cheers to you,
Excellent Chris!
The guy typing on the laptop is priceless.
Hey Chris, thanks for the kind words you left on my blog. Btw, these here sketches are pretty rad!! Lookin' forward to your next post.
Good work !
Very expressives characters .
I like vey much your representation of the women, really !
nice drawings and even nicer natural arrangement- they tell a story of moments
nice sketches. I like the smiling woman with the hat best.
AWesome cafe drawings!! Love that guy typing so concentrated at the lap top!
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