This next one is actually a composite of two different sketches. Playing around in Photoshop, I decided to combine both sketches into one. This explains why the guy is colored and the girl isnt:)

Have a great Monday, everyone, and don't work too hard!!
Great stuff Chris. You've been busy since I was around last. Nice! Happy Easter to you too!
Great sketches dude, I saw a long-haired chihuahua just like that one this weekend.
great idea to combine the sketches
very creative.
U always have the best cafe sketches!! AWESOME drawings!
Awsome Chris.I love that you caught the girl chewing with her cheeks full. And happy late Easter to you!.
Nice stuff man. I look foreward to seeing more of your stuff!
Hey Chris, sweet cafe sketches, lots of life, great linework!
Oh and thanks for dropping by my blog, I've added your link :)
Oh man.
Really Thanks for your comment! Amazing work here... Another great blog for my favs...
Wooww!!Love your cafe sketches!!!AWESOME!!!
Great art Chris! Really enjoy it!
Hi Chris!... Thanks for your coment in my blog!...
You have a great blog, you are a very good artist...
(My english isn´t very good, i know... :P)
See you later!
All of these are awesome! Very enjoyable to look at.
As Geb said... thanks for taking the time to leave a comment in my Blog aswell... I've been looking around yours and I instantly feel honored for your comments... You're truly a great artist love your gestual lines and very spontaneous sketches... and as Geb again... sorry for my clumpsy english. I'll be coming back.
fantastic sketches. thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
beautiful life studies
Doing the cafe sketches are a great idea. I wish I could take time at lunch from work to do that. These are pretty cool! I also like your hand sketches.
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