Here is the doodle I did the other day of "superboy" (left). I went home and started sketching a more designy version of him (right). Then I scanned it and played with some colors in Photoshop. Although I feel that Painter is more artist friendly with coloring...Do you digital folks out there prefer Painter to Photoshop?

Anyways, I've got more designs I'm working on so stay tuned for more, boys n' girls!
Hey Chris, great sketch/color job! I'm still experimenting with the whole 'digital coloring' myself so its nice to see how others are trying out the medium as well. I have no preference, though I have been using photoshop mostly, lately. Would like to play with Painter some more though. As for tips, and i dont want this to be a long rambling 'comment' but, i'll just say that I subscribe to the ImagineFX pub (imaginefx.com). Lots of great tips in there.
Your photoshop skill is great!
Love your super boy!! Nice squashy design!! That would be a fun character to animate!!
Thanks for commenting on my blog Chris!!... That's a huge complement coming from you man!, I love your stuff!!, keep the good stuff coming =)
Thanks for commenting on my blog. Yours is pretty cool, I like your stuff.
I love it!!!AWESOME photoshop painting, I like photoshop, but I don't know nothing about it...hehehe
i personally use both. ps is better with editing colors and playing around with textures (especially when you make your own brushes), but painter simulates natural media alot better. painter is also a looot clumsier and slower with things like brush resizing, layers, etc. plus,if i want a natural look, i still prefer scanning paint and editting it in ps.
Good stuff Chris! Keep them coming! I look forward to seeing more stuff on your amazing blog!
Thank you for visiting my blog (as you have many others I can see). I think that since you have good traditional art training, Painter might be the thing for you. I am not an authority in this field as I spend the whole day using drafting software AUTOCAD to draw toilets! Ha Ha!
Hello Chris! Photoshop is an amazing tool, I luv it! but a few month a go I discovered Painter with a Wacom Tablet and that change my way to do digital stuff drastically!
You'll love it too!
Thx for the comment and thanks to show your lovely stuff here!
uhmmmm ps lol dont have paint. i just got into the digi realm of drawing so i'm still learning and I'm at the beginning, just about. the pic u comment on is my 1st totally wacom + ps illo that in have done. thanks for th ecomment. i was looking at ur stuff, great line work and characters sorta rminds me of another Chau i know who blogs
Hey Chris,
Top pic is great! Nice color choices on a super appealing drawing. I'm a PS fellow myself and find it to be an awesome tool.
Really nice Chris! I like what you're doing with photoshop. Maybe a little shadow under his feet would plant him down a bit. Unless, that is, if he is hovering :) I like what you're doing with the rest of your sketches as well. The watercolors are wonderful!
nice i really like the design, particularly that hes not overly perfect looking as superman is usually represented (the gapped teeth) nice work, personally i use photoshop mostly but you might like to try out opencanvas or artrage, but its amazing what just photoshop can do now.
Strong pose, I love the character.
i was once told,when it comes to Photoshop
..."you were probably done a half hour ago!"
It's a bottomless program.
I'm a control freak. Photoshop has the ease of use and level of manipulation of every single pixel that makes OCD artists like me love it. They're all great programs, but I bet you'll end up making final finishing touches in whatever you do in photoshop. And you have some KICK ass sketches on here man!
So cute! :) I love the looseness to the watercolor version of him.
(ps - I think painter is a little more artist-friendly, although I admit I usually use Photoshop more often.)
really nice man. a lot of clearity to this character but still a very nice flow and dynamic feel to it.
good luck with photoshop, take the time to learn it as it's very versatile and can get a lot of cool stuff done. painter is always fun, but stick it through with photoshop; good luck.
Hey there! Thanks for commenting on my blog.
I love your watercolour & pen sketches, especially the one of that college student waiting for the train!
Excellent gesture! Where did you study?
Always AWESOME work!
Great Stuff dude!
chris, first time visitor and i'm very impressed. you've got tons of great stuff here. i love your take on life drawing, it really is the best to just draw life, eh? people sitting, eating ... living.
and this latest pic of superboy. i think the colours are looking great. good little design here. i'll be back for more ...
Lovely work.
All of it.
Cheers to your skill,
Hey Chris.Love the design.
I use both but I just started using painter a few months ago albeit not often enough. I find that painter excells in "picking up underlying colors" like real painting, but PS is way easier to manipulate images with. That being said..I use both on the same image sometimes. And after reading this I realize that's no help at all!hahaha
nice drawings below.
and super design.
he's really funny.
that's adorable!
Hi! nice sketches ^___^
about softwares, It depending on what I want to obtain. I often use PS, but sometimes I prefer Painter, OpenCanvas or Artrage (because renders differ between them and I love testing new softwares, new technics,... but this is a personnal view)
Choose the one you're comfortable with and have fun. ^____^
nice final version of ur character, yeah i agree with u on ur comment on cafe sketches!its ggggreeat!
hey chris,
wow! you have alot of comments on this post.
Your drawings are great! Graceful line work!
Your art is pro!
Have fun
New photoshop? Animate your gifs!!! Your blog will be the greatest eye candy ever!
Amazing Chirs, I think I have to know somehing about photoshop haha ^^
your style is so nice!! The rough penicl outlines are nice against the smooth digital background
You have something, that i dont konw, but is good
Two bananas for you
Chris....keep being nice to me and I will solve your lack of Venetian paper problem when I go back to Italy this year! Thanks for your comments, I appreciate it!
Your work is awesome!
Beautiful feel-good design, Chris. Your work has a pleasent quality as always.
Great Blog! love your character designs
the final looks great.
very cute.
Wow Chris, I really like your design. It's super apealing!
: )
Super cute, Chris! I love it!
Great sketch blog you got here. I missed out on meeting everyone at the Berkeley Sketchcrawl. But it looks and sounds like you all had a great outcome.
I like how the superboy illo turned out.
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