Just a couple of pages from the ol sketchbook. The first one is of a small granny type. Her coat almost covered her whole body!! These next ones were of a couple of kids I observed. The little girl was cying her head off because her mom wouldnt pick her up. She also had shoes that kept on making these loud squeaks everytime she took a step...
Awesome human observation,Chris! I especially love the descriptions that goes with the drawings. You've seem to've nailed the lil girl right on the button! I can totally imagine the scene now.
I love that granny! You have such a wonderful sense of character and personality in your sketches- its very inspiring. Thanks so much for your kind comment, and I hope you don't mind if I link to your blog :D
beautiful posts all over...inspiring works.....hope to come for more....
LOL love the granny and her coat
Thanks for dropping by.
I like your lines and your use of color really original.
Great work Chris! I love the girl crying...great job capturing that moment! Reminds me of my daughter...lol Keep the great posts comin! :OP
Awesome human observation,Chris! I especially love the descriptions that goes with the drawings. You've seem to've nailed the lil girl right on the button! I can totally imagine the scene now.
hahaha! Really nice stuff Chris!
He! He! Great work Chris!
Thanks for stoppn' by. Your stuff is AMAZING!!
These are really great Chris! Top stuff!
:) Nice Sketches Chris!
nice drawings! makes Me wanna draw!
the first one looks fun!
Love these kids drawing, I can totally hear their cry and laughter in the drawings!! AWESOME!! And the granny drawing is awesome too!!
I love that granny! You have such a wonderful sense of character and personality in your sketches- its very inspiring.
Thanks so much for your kind comment, and I hope you don't mind if I link to your blog :D
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