This first one is of a Paris Hilton type of girl I saw. After she ordered her Venti Mocha Frappuccino , I don't think she looked up once from her Razr phone because she was too busy texting a friend of hers. I don't know exactly what she was texting but I think what it says in the drawing comes pretty close:)

This next one is just of a random guy. I liked the proportions of his tiny head and blocky body.

Hope you all enjoy it! Thanks again everyone!
Happy anniversary Chris!
Hey Chris! Nice drawings. You have an interesting ink style :)
Great stuff man. I have seen that same girl in so many slightly different configurations around my city.. you've captured her perfectly! haha.
beautiful work dude
these are getting better and better!!!
Happy Anniversary Chris!
As always it's a pleasure visiting your blog.
I love your sketches man. Good sh*t.
These are awesome!
: )
Super fun stuff. Nice work.
Beautiful works!
Wow! Awesome characters... your line has confidence! Great job on that fellow's hand!
Great lines! And great color work! I like how you did the guy's shirt.
Time moves fast! Congrats on the bloggo b-day, man!
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