Lately, I've been reading Amid Amidi's CARTOON MODERN which has been inspiring me to do looser, more stylized drawings and this was the result. This guy is a banker in the old west done in the old daguerrotype style of photography with a monochormatic sepia tone.

watercolor and pen with slight computer color alteration
More like this please.
In English:
I congratulate to you, your works are very fresh and solved with great agility and soltura, I see that you have predilection by the watercolors and line with marker
that is simply charming!
What a fun blog! Your style is so natural you make it all look so effortless...thanks for your kind comment on my peace sign. Very much appreciated!
I agree with Gabriele. Let's be having more of these! I love your roughs...very pleasing to the eye. ^___^
What a great blog! You're very talented! I really admire people who can do character work, which scares me.
My brother in law does 3d animation, for stuff like Star Trek, Lost, etc.
I like the longer haired guy with the green turtleneck too!
Awesome drawing dude!!!!Love the colors!!!Thank you for your kind comment, and Happy New Year!!!
your designs are incredible! Bookedmarked and favorited. So much inspiration on your blog!!
Thanks for stopping by! great stuff you have here!
Awesome work! Very nicely colored! Keep up the great work!!! :OP
Very nice work. Love the style of your characters. I can't seem to get away from realism as hard as I try. Very talented. Thanks for the wonderful comments on my blog. I appreciate it for stopping by to check it out. Looking forward to more!
The colours are great - really nice freedom to the line aswell!
Really like the colors on this guy.
Gabri, and Sandra- no problem, more to come:)
adolfo, madamegaston, amy-thanks guys! Glad to see you guys here on my blog.
scott, alexei, and ghettofab-gracias. I'll make sure to post some more.
michelle-no problem...I'll check back again soon .
milo, braden, tim and cdeboda-thanks for the nice comments. I'm glad to see people like my work:)
Come back soon!
good stuff throughout your blog - with this one you completely capture that old west feeling
I love this! I need to get Cartoon Modern, looks like an amazing book. All that vintage animation design work is so cool and inspiring.
chris, this is a really nice piece. I like the feel of it and your use of watercolor is great. it's got a great feel.
Nice style on this one ! Happy new year to you, may it be creative and exciting !
He sure looks confident! That's a very cool drawing!
(How did you like Spain by the way?)
well done...
kinda missing actual paints and paper...sick of all computer
happy new year.
Hey chris.. this drawing is good. Though, it's not much different than the rest.
Loose/sketchy doodles are always more fun to do though.. and nice on the eyes.
You just gotta know/or find out what style makes you tick. What really comes out of you. Books and other peoples art can inspire, but eventually you'll develop your own way..
All your previous material is great too. Dont loose that.
Great stuff Chris. Its always cool seeing other artist work. Very Inspiring! You have a nice sense of color and design.
Nice looseness! I've been trying to explore a similar path myself...
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