Yup, I've gotten married. It's been over a month and a half now and we've settled down in the Bay area. I'll try to post more photos of Hawaii soon!

My lovely wife, Joy with me at a restaurant the day after our wedding.

A beautiful panoramic picture taken in Kauai on the last day of our honeymoon.
to Miss and Mr Chua
Congratulation mate... and thank you for your comments to my blog... your sketches are great too...hope one day we will be able to go out and draw together...it will be fun
Wow Chris you are all grown up now! Your wife is pretty and looks very happy! I guess she lives up to her name. :D Congrats you two! Exclamation points!!!!
Congratulations! We are coming up on our 1-year anniversary, and marriage is great. Hoping the same for you!
Congradulations Mr. Chua. Love your sketches; there almost as beautifal as your wife. Keep up the good work and I wish you both the best.
Congratulations Chris, that's really great!
Congratulations Chris. Good luck up north...see you on the VTC.
Thanks for the kind comments everyone. I'm having a blast being married and doing art on my blog. I'll have more soon!
Conrats...You guys are sooo cute...Im so happy for you
Kauii is amazing . We honeymooned there also !!! Did you go on the crazy movie adventure where they filmed raiders ???
oh and im gonna link ya ..cause im actually going to start posting stuff...
Way to go! You two make a great looking couple! ~DAN
good to see you back on the blog. sweet pics and cool sketches!
arivaderci posh bloke.
Congratulations Chris!!!
I´m a big fan of Granada too.
I used to visit the city almost one time at year.
I have great friends there.
Love your draws!!
Yeeeeaaaahhhhh! Congrats, man-- you guys look great together! How much fun is it to be married?! That picture from Kauai is fantastic-- it looks like you guys had beautiful weather!! I was told that they filmed Jurassic Park there, but I dunno, man. When I went, I didn't even see a single dinosaur.
And you moved up to the Bay area?! Whaaaaat?! When did this happen?! There's like no Porto's up there!! What were you thinking?!
Anyway, congrats again and I'll talk to you soon!!
hey big congrats chris! like your blog very much, I hope to see more of your great stuff! thanks for stopping by burgerlog!
shellie-thanks! And congrats on the new baby too! I'm very happy for you!
urbanbarbarian ,willy, and laurent-thanks for the kind words! Check back soon.
javier-yes, Granada is wonderful.. My wife and I definitely want to go back.
Scotto-good to hear from you man! Yeah, Kauai was fun but unfortunately we got eaten up by mosquitos! Who knows, maybe like jurassic park, they can get my blood from a mosquito a million years from now and reclone me! I know what you mean about portos. I miss it:(
burgerlog-thanks. Come back soon!
hey chris,
everything's great down here. i'm still on vactaion. it seems like you are having a great time. you guys look great...
i heard about the mess they made over here. what a bunch of mor...at least you have something to look forward to on the other side of that bay, huh?
A-hem!.... Updates please! I think it's been enough time since the wedding. ;)
Congrats man, seriously. And that landscape is goregous by the way.
Hey!!! have not seen you or heard any news from you for almost two years and now you have a wife......Congratulations Chris!!! so what next? a kid...heehee
wonderful landscape an congratulations for the wedding
Congrats Mr. and Mrs.!! Well wishes and good fortune to you and your lovely bride! ;) Hope all is well up there in the Bay area! Take care!
Congrats man.
Aw... yer all growed up.
felicitations for your wedding adn wish you two all the best!!
Hey Chris- saw you note, thanks ... Wow you got hitched? Congrats bud.
Hope all's well.
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