Wednesday, March 22, 2006


A painting I did on Gouach. 4"x5".


willipino said...

that's a dope pig! super cool color work and charming design. me gusta mucho!

PotatoFarmGirl said...


Unknown said...

yep, wonderful pig, great gouache!

Scott O. said...

Yeeaaahhh, man! This guy is GREAT!

Scott Wright said...

Loving it!

Unknown said...

really great drawings on your blog!
Love the pig too.


Heather Sybil Chavez said...

cute piggy

Craig Mackay said...

awesome pig!

Dee said...

Very cute pig! Good size for too! ;)

Dee said...

Very cute pig! Good size for too! ;)

Anonymous said...

ha! just found your blog. My name is Chris Chua too! and I'm an artist as well, funny coincidence.

I knew there was another "chris chua" well, I'm sure there's tons...but someone who thought I was one time at the San diego con was disappointed it wasn't you. she said "'re not chris chua" heh.

wait, is that why you named your blog "the real chris chua"? so I guess, I'm the fake one, hah!

well, that pig rocks as does all your work!

take care!

Unknown said...

SOME pig!! Love it!! Great design!

Chingyi said...

i'm about to faint! *hugs pig*
this is so cute and so stylish!
very nice painting :)

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