The small church of Sainte-Chapelle sits not too far from the Notre Dame Cathedral. Built in 1248 for King Louis IX, it may not be as pretty on the outside as Notre Dame but inside, it's absolutely AMAZING....covered wall to wall with amazing stained glass, the inside is breathtaking. As usual, please click on the pictures for a better look!

There's a total of 15 panels of stained glass with apparently more than 1,000 scenes depicted from the Bible.

While these pictures may look amazing, I still really cant put into words the feeling you get while you are actually there. So if anyone out there plans on visiting Paris in the near future, do yourself a favor and check out this church....
Looking nice. The weird thing is, I have seen paris so often, from the highway when I went on holiday to france, but ive never actually been there.
Marlow stansfield aint feelin' it. Sheeeeit.
Thanks for sharing!! Beautiful!
Amazing photos!
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