Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Life and Death

So last week, as I was driving around with my dad, I saw something that really stuck with me. As we pulled up to a stop light, a hearse stops along side us...Then right behind that was a minivan with a "baby on board" sign. That image of life and death was just so perfect that I couldn't stop thinking about it. I started painting this when I got home so I would always remember the image. I actually had to look up some referrence photos of both the hearse and the minivan then work on the composition a little bit. Hope you all like it!


Scott Wright said...

Love the contrast of this piece. Death and Babies...brilliant observation.

stephen said...

I'm glad it wasn't the hearse following the minivan. It's more optimistic this way.

samacleod said...

Love this drawing Chris. Really great observation, nice piece.

Pepe Sanchez said...

very nice sketches, i love the cafe ones!! Keep it up!!



Anonymous said...

I like your sketches. Your observation of life and death is a beautiful reminder of our very existence in this earth.

Gulzar said...

I kinda like the way your loose but controled rhythm lines are....it really shows you are in control with what you want to achieve...
take care! n keep in touch!
thank you for coming into my blog...

Drake Brodahl (pumml) said...

Thanks for the comment, Chris! You've got some really nice work here. Lots of great watercolor sketches and I particularly enjoyed watching your reels. You've been added!

Unknown said...

Lovely painting!!

Mark McDonnell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark McDonnell said...

Awesome work Chris. Thank you so much for responding, I really appreciate it, seriously. I really really enjoy looking at your work. It has that spark of life that so many others forget on the way to making soem marks in the sketchbook.

Thanks again and all my best,


Tim Bye said...

Great work - I love the way the wash of colour is on the van - fabulous

Seo Kim said...

that's beautiful!

Reezo Rocks said...

sick drawings chris, hope all is well.

Adrian Lubbers said...

Define Irony!?
Lovely drawing though.

Alisa said...

Life and death have been making themselves known to me this past month too. Really nice illusration of this concept.


Awesome sketch! Wow!

Ryan Khatam said...

very nice! cars are difficult for me to draw

Anonymous said...

totally brilliant.
nice painting

Carlos V. said...

Cant got enough of your sketchy line and your pursuit to capture life as it goes on around you. Good work!

libra bear said...

Damn your good....I'm coming here more often..


That is really cool man. I'm glad you sketched it out.

LDahl said...

Beautiful!Moments like that really are special aren't they and you have done such a super job of showing us what you saw.