Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cafe Sketch 10/21/10 Part 1

Have a great weekend, everybody!


willipino said...

love the guy with the dog. fun stuff.

Aaron Ludwig said...

Wonderful sketches, loaded with personality. Thanks for sharing!

Terry Song said...

LOVE the guys with the dog and the girl callin' out...very good lookin' lines and angles! And I love the girl sippin her coffee, it feels so much looks like she's supporting a hot cup! I'll stop now!

Trent Correy said...

Hey Chris
I'm good thanks, I got a new job at Sony Imageworks. I had done the first 2 terms of Mentor, and I planned to go back this January to finish it all, but now with this new I probably won't. I'll be starting on the Smurfs in a few weeks! Thanks Chris, awesome post as always! I went to the airport "arrivals" last week to sketch.Lots of people waiting around for their bags on the carasoul, it was a great place to draw! cya around!